First Lutheran Church was founded by Norwegian immigrants in 1872. It is a Christian community "where faith and life meet" through worship, learning, and serving Jesus' name. It's worship times are in person on Sunday's at two different times, as well as radio and tv broadcasted. During the summer months it offers outdoor worship. In addition to the church, is also Community Preschool. The purpose of this school is to provide an early childhood social and educational experience for 3 to 5 year old children in a Christian atmosphere.
By Tara Bitzan, Executive Director, Alexandria Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce #5 - Credibility The Alexandria Chamber receives thousands of contacts per year of people looking for resources. They may be seeking an electrician or marketing professional, a contractor or a boat rental. In some cases, they call us because they aren’t finding what they need. In other cases, they call us because they are unsure of who to trust.
It’s easy to do an online search and come with up a long list of businesses that claim to supply what a person may be looking for, but it’s more challenging to find out if the business is reputable and reliable. Many consumers view Chamber members as trustworthy. That’s because the Chamber doesn’t just accept anyone into membership. Businesses and organizers are researched to ensure they are operating legally and reputably. Their membership is approved by the Chamber’s 14-member board of directors. If complaints are made about any Chamber member, the Chamber researches the complaint and talks with the member in question. If the Chamber staff and board feel a business or organization is one that they don’t feel comfortable referring out, then we would deny or drop their membership. On the other side of this, the Chamber aims to help its members to operate in a reputable and customer service friendly fashion. If a complaint is made about a Chamber member business, the Chamber works with the complainant and the member to try to come up with a solution that works for all involved. If a consumer sees that a business is a Chamber member, they are assured that that business is held in high standards. To help identify our members to consumers, they are provided with annual membership certificates, window clings, and online logos. If we won’t refer a business or organization to our mom, we won’t refer them to you! #4 – Advocacy By Tara Bitzan, Executive Director, Alexandria Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce While it is important to speak out on behalf of the best interests of yourself, your family, your business or organization, neighborhood, community, and so on, often we are left wondering if we are even being heard or making a difference. Sometimes it is easier to have impact if your voice is louder, and one way to make it louder is to join with other voices.
The Alexandria Chamber serves as a collective voice for its 655 local members to influence government on issues impacting our Greater Minnesota community. Our Chamber is actively involved in the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce and the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce Federation in representing our community on any, and all legislative issues. We are also part of the Grow Minnesota program, in which a team of community leaders and Chamber staff members meeting with leaders of local businesses of all sizes and sectors to have conversations about the challenges and successes of doing business in Alexandria, Douglas County, and Minnesota. Information from those discussions is compiled and shared with the Minnesota Chamber for use in identifying trends and creating legislative platforms on issues that impact businesses around the state. We need to clearly communicate with our elected officials about what our community needs to not only survive, but to thrive. The Chamber is an engaged voice speaking out for the best interest of our members and our community year-round. #3 - Education By Tara Bitzan, Executive Director, Alexandria Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce Learning is the key to growing, evolving, improving, and thriving. That’s why the Chamber of Commerce places a strong focus on presenting educational and growth opportunities. One easy way to be engaged and successful in a community is to know what is going on around you. Chamber members can stay informed through Chamber event announcements, eblast communications, newsletters, an online calendar, and social media. Not only do these platforms keep you informed about everyday things happening in the community, but you will be presented with a large variety of trainings, workshops, classes, and educational opportunities that may be of value to you. If you haven’t signed up to receive Chamber communications, you may do so by emailing [email protected].
The Chamber offers two main luncheons a year, usually in April and September. These luncheons feature various topics presented by quality key-note speakers. It’s a great way to learn with other members of the community during a powerful lunch hour. Listen & Learn is a one-hour informative virtual event hosted by the Chamber. These sessions offer information, education, support, and resources on topics that impact the community and its diverse business and organizational partners. Each one covers a different topic, from law enforcement reports and legislative topics to local community projects and other topics of interest. If you are signed up for Chamber communications mentioned above, you will receive notices of these as they come up or watch Chamber’s website for information at One of the Chamber’s most popular programs is Leadership Alexandria. This nine-month program provides an opportunity for participants to learn more about the community they are living and/or working in. They meet one full day each month to hear from speakers, take tours, and learn about the local aspects of the community, including history, business, education, government services, and more. Details can be found at There are more educational opportunities included throughout the year as well. Again, the best way to stay informed is to sign up for Chamber communications. All of these opportunities will be shared through those communications. Email [email protected] or call 320-763-3161 for more information. #2 – Connections By Tara Bitzan, Executive Director, Alexandria Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce Connections are important for the overall health and wellbeing of a business, an organization, a person, and a community!
Businesses and organizations gain from connections through increased clientele, sales, and support. For individuals, connecting with others can help with an overall feeling of self-worth and purpose. It can lower our stress, help us live longer, and decrease our risk of isolation and depression. To put it simply, connections are good for everyone! That’s why one of the key focus areas of the Chamber of Commerce is on making connections. We connect consumers to local businesses that can provide the goods and services they are seeking. We connect businesses and organizations to resources and information that can help them grow, evolve, and thrive. We connect visitors to the many things to do and see in the lakes area. Every day we are making connections throughout the community and beyond in person, by phone, or email, on social media, or through the mail. In addition, Chamber programming offers opportunities for members to make connections, build relationships, and form partnerships so they can build and expand their network and build their client base. Making connections is important to us because we realize that we are better together! |
June 2024